Farm Diary continued (5)

27th March 1999. 1.00am

I've told James that I'll check the sheep at 2.30am. I've got photos to down load and this page to write. Then I'll have a longer sleep in the morning.

We've had a lovely evening. Richard and Jo, our partners in the chicken enterprise, came to supper, to celebrate the arrival of the chickens.

James went to check the sheep before bed and one of our older ewes (7 years old) was giving birth. The lambs head was out, but it wasn't getting any farther because one leg was back.

I'll just put up a series of photos. I'll edit it tomorrow (and make the pictures a bit less lengthy to download I hope). You'll see James helping the ewe by 'shoehorning'the lamb out, with one hand on its shoulderblade, then swinging the lamb and putting it down under its mother's nose. You can't hear James speaking all the time to the ewe! The lamb was born at about 10 to 12. Then James went to bed, and I've been iodining the lamb and moving them into a 'mothering-up' pen.

The lamb was on it's feet and trying to drink by 1.05am.

Just going to bed now. I went to check the sheep and heard that lovely soft, whickering noise they make when they're licking off a new lamb. Twin ram lambs this time. I've just been making sure they're OK.

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